
Yamaha FZ6 Modifications To Consider - Part 2

Welcome to the 2nd part of my series on the various changes is available on the Yamaha FZ6. It seems that every time I turn around I can get something new can be done to get my FZ6. In one part of this series I discussed the possibility of upgrading aftermarket exhaust, seats and glass. In Part 2 I will give an overview of the options available for new links, levers and rear sets. Unlike the powertrain modifications, it is primarily aesthetic and comfort, rather than improving performance. Let's take.

* Grips - There are several reasons to consider new goals for Yamaha FZ6. One reason is comfort. Some find that the FZ6 grips are too small and not comfortable enough for long journeys. Increase the size of the loop for some, increases comfort and provides less wear and tear on the hands and wrists. There are also links that gel, which, for obvious reasons include increased comfort grip. Another reason to consider a new handle for their aesthetic value. Treat the file FZ6 black and unobtrusive. Many tools are available with bright colors and logo to display brand loyalty among others. As one of the cheapest upgrade as well to consider whether it makes sense to you all.

* The levers - levers that come on the Yamaha FZ6 is pretty standard and similar to what you would see on a motorcycle in stock. They are long, and they have more money look at the ball end. They are fine for what they are intended for, but something is going to be after-market methods .. The same reasoning 2 lever handles replaced. A change aims to improve comfort and aesthetic improvements. Moreover, although some pressure provides another advantageous properties that make them easier to adjust the population. Many aftermarket levers are slightly shorter than the stock version and allows the use of two or three fingers for moving and braking without additional lever to press up on the other fingers. As drivers get more sophisticated and confident with shorter brake levers and switches more convenient and easy to use. Aesthetically speaking, after-market methods are available in different colors and styles that can be used to highlight or contrast the color wheel and design. Finally, many levers now come with the possibility to use the insects can adapt accounting and mean clutch brake fade. This can be very helpful compared to the stock means that more work is necessary to have the same adjustments are made. Some methods also have the ability to "pass" levers near their pivot points. This can certainly come in handy if undue pressure is being applied to the top of the levers. The much more critical bursting point, the lever is easy to "bend" on.

Rear Sets - Rear sets, the rider footpegs, shifter and brake lever. I have not seen anything specific on the back for Yamaha FZ6 as I do other adjustments, but they are there and worth mentioning. Some of the reasons for the new sets in the back compared to other changes mentioned. A comfort / convenience and aesthetics. After-market rear sets usually have the ability to be adjusted forward, backward, up and down. This is obviously an advantage when looking for more comfort and better posture. In addition to after-market rear sets are generally of higher quality than original equipment. Many note that the change is much clearer and cleaner atmosphere and braking are also positive. Some of the disadvantages is that a lot of emphasis on the back of the pins are connected, and so folded in case of accident or something to hunt. It can be dangerous as mechanisms for the pins could be large enough. Some sets back that I really liked the looks of the Rizoma rear sets (pictured). One thing to note, built for the European FZ6 which had built the center stand, as well as the U.S. version, and interact. Little change is necessary in order to fit properly.

Stay tuned for my Yamaha FZ6 series of changes for consideration. We still have some items to cover:

* Set AB
* In the Mirrors
* In the blinkers
Brake hoses *
* Brake Pads
* Frame sliders
* Air filter

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